See how Baluu stacks up against the competition

Choose a competitor below to compare experiences, pricing, features and more to discover the best platform for the unique needs of your business.

Competitor feature comparisons

Baluu vs Bookwhen

Compare the features, user feedback and pricing of Baluu vs Bookwhen. See what platform is better for certain tasks, compare the look and feel and find out which platform is best for you.

Compare Bookwhen
Baluu vs Mindbody

Compare the pricing, features and user feedback of Baluu vs Mindbody. Look at like for like features of the most comparable plans and work out which provider is best for your needs.

Compare Mindbody
Baluu vs SimplyBook

A full comparison of features, pricing and user feedback for Baluu vs Simplybook. Find out which platform is better suited for your needs with specific strengths and weaknesses highlighted.

Compare SimplyBook
Baluu vs Setmore

Compare the features, pricing and more of Baluu vs the Setmore booking system. Discover the strengths and weaknesses of each platform and make a decision on which will be best to suit your business needs.

Compare Setmore
Baluu vs Vcita

Discover the pros and cons of each platform by comparing the features, user feedback and pricing of both Baluu and Vcita. Get a like for like comparison of features to make an informed decision on which might be best for you.

Compare Vcita
Baluu vs Arlo

A full breakdown/comparison of Baluu vs Arlo. See how we stack up against the competition by comparing features, pricing and more. Discover which platform will suit the unique needs of your activity, course, class or service business.

Compare Arlo
Baluu vs Acuity

A full breakdown/comparison of Baluu vs Acuity. See how we stack up against the competition by comparing features, pricing and more. Discover which booking tool will suit the unique needs of your activity, course, class or service business.

Compare Acuity
Baluu vs Eventbrite

A full breakdown/comparison of Baluu vs Eventbrite. See how we stack up against the competition by comparing features, pricing and more. Discover which ticketing platform will suit the unique needs of your activity, course, class or service business.

Compare Eventbrite